Thursday, December 30, 2010

A mish mash of December pictures

Kiefer got his yellow belt in Karate. We went to Mr Vonhollen's Christmas house as a reward and by the time we got home, he was tuckered out.

Auntie Dianne sent the kids some Christmas tree ornaments. They loved the cards she sent and also the boxes she sent them in. They were both so serious about opening the beautifully wrapped gifts.

Ella loved our Christmas snow globe and really got into the Christmas spirit this year..
The night before Christmas, Kiefer and I set out some milk & cookies for Santa. Kiefer pondered the whole thing for a minute and then remarked, "I think we'll share Santa's cookies!" and ate one.

Christmas!!!! Santa came and ate the cookies!!!!Opening the stocking.
Ella checking out her kitchen for the first time.

Ella & Kiefer opening gifts. Ella was under the weather that week, but was a trooper the whole day.

It was a very cold December and there were very few days where the kids went outside to play. One day Kiefer and I bundled up to go play on the swing. His eyelashes were freezing shut which made both of us giggle a little bit.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Kiefer's letter to Santa.

I supplied Kiefer with a piece of paper to write a letter to Santa. I told him to put down what he wanted for Christmas. Kiefer took that advice literally and wrote to Santa, "What do you want for Christmas?" Ha ha!